Welcome to the Pixibug Grove!

a closed species owned by beetlepaws & katkitters

Pixibugs are small, bug-like chibi creatures that reside in Pixibug Grove, a mystical forest clearing filled with magical Nectar. Despite some having scary-looking stingers and pincers, they are completely harmless and feed only on Nectar, which also makes up their blood and internal organs!Nectar is also the main currency of the Pixibugs species, which can be used to purchase MYOs, items, and to trade with other users.
The species is primarily based on Discord, so if you're interested in joining, hop into the server and have a look around!

Pixibug Traits List

Pixibugs traits are categorised into three rarities; Common, Rare, and Mythical!
All Pixibugs must have antennae, as well as circular pawpads the same colour as their Nectar.
Pixibugs have been observed to magically aid and enhance the natural world. Their magical Nectar benefits the ecosystem and brings benefits to gardens, greenhouses and farmland alike! Entomologists have observed that plants grown around Pixibug Grove grow bigger, bloom brighter and yield better seeds and crops. They also do not compete with other organisms for resources or territory, so are able to get along amicably with almost any creature.






